Industrialization/modernization has impacted our food, the way we eat and our weight. Processed fast food can be purchased pretty much anywhere. We no longer expend physical energy to hunt and forage for food. Because of this back pain is probably the most common and most troublesome condition that individuals experience. Eight out of 10 will struggle with back pain at some point in their life. Low chronic back pain can become aggravated by a variety of triggers.
- Mechanical stress
- Excessive strain
- Muscle weakness
- Poor sleep position
- No exercise
- Excessive weight
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Degenerative disc disease
- Spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
Being Overweight Affects the Spine
The spine carries the body's weight and distributes the weight in an equal manner when resting and during activity. When there is excess weight the spine is forced to compromise which can lead to injuries and structural damage. The area of the spine that is the most vulnerable is the low back or lumbar spine.Exercise is Important
When we don't exercise it leads to:- Poor flexibility
- Weak back muscles
- Weak pelvis
- Weak thighs
Age Relation
These disorders of the spine might be thought of as the normal aging process. This is true that as we age, the body tissues begin to change and the spine's disc wear down. But, if you are overweight, chances are you have, or will have pain in the back.Weight Loss Reduces Back Pain
Weight loss can contribute to a partial or complete reduction in the back pain symptoms. The research between weight loss and back pain is still ongoing but numerous practitioners report cases of patients experiencing a serious reduction in pain after losing the excess weight.Because the extra weight is taken off the spine further stress is avoided. Especially when a chiropractor realigns the vertebral column. According to the American Spine Society, individuals that stay around 10 pounds of their proper weight are those least likely to experience back problems.
Back Health and Physical Activity
Chiropractic is one of the most popular treatments for back pain. With chiropractic adjustments, pain is alleviated but also the root cause of the problems is corrected. Spinal adjustments can help even more when combined with a proper diet and weight loss treatment program.Besides weight loss, exercising and strengthening the core muscles can guarantee the proper distribution of the body’s weight. Stronger muscles, less weight, and better posture will provide amazing long-term benefits. If you want to know how to incorporate weight loss and exercise in your daily routine, speak to your chiropractor. They are ready to guide you along the way. If you aren’t currently seeing a chiropractor, give us a call. We’re here to help!