Chiropractic care is enjoying an upsurge in popularity as more people are veering away from invasive procedures and pharmaceuticals in favor of more natural treatment options for their pain. A recent Gallup poll for Palmer Chiropractic College confirms this. Of the people surveyed:
- More than 35.5 million people said they sought chiropractic care within the 12 month (the Gallup survey was conducted from February 8, 2016 through March 11, 2016).
- 95% said chiropractic was effective in treating their condition.
- 89% said they would recommend chiropractic to friends and family.
- 97% said that they would likely see a chiropractor for neck or back pain.
- 88% said that chiropractic care is a good value for the money.
Non-Drug Treatments for Back Pain should be Sought First
In April 2017, the American College of Physicians published their updated guidelines for managing and treating low back pain. In it, they recommended seeking non-drug treatments which include the application of heat, exercise, stress reduction, and spinal manipulation before turning to medications. The purpose is to steer patients away from unnecessary medicating and toward healthier, more natural options as a first line of defense in managing low back pain.Another study published in2017 in the Journal of the American Medical Association supported spinal manipulation as a preferred first treatment option over pharmaceuticals for patients with acute low back pain. While these recommendations are primarily in response to the opioid epidemic, it is also in response to the numerous studies that show chiropractic care is safe and effective for back pain management.
Chiropractic is a Healthier, Safer Option
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that opioid abuse and overdose has reach epidemic proportions. An estimated 91 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. This includes opioids obtained by a prescription from a doctor.Popular pain medications like oxycodone and hydrocodone have seen steadily increasing abuse, overdose, and death rates over the past two decades. In fact, deaths caused by overdose of these drugs as well as methadone and others, have quadrupled since 1999.
These medications are highly addictive and have many unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. While most states are taking aggressive steps to curb the over-prescribing of these medications, patients are still finding ways around the prescribing guidelines and restrictions. This is a compelling reason for patients to seek natural, non-medicinal pain relief options first – and for their doctors to recommend them.
More People are Turning to Natural Remedies
Many patients are simply getting fed up with invasive treatments and numerous pills, causing them to turn to remedies that are more natural. One benefit of chiropractic and other natural remedies is that they rarely treats only the symptom.Instead, it addresses the root of the problem to treat the cause. This approach has many benefits beyond being medication free and non-invasive. When the cause of the condition or problem is corrected, it can eliminate other troubling symptoms as well.
Chiropractic is a Healthier, Whole Body Option
A patient who sees their chiropractor for low back pain may find that after a few treatments their headaches, constipation, and digestive issues are also resolved. This is because chiropractic treats the body as a whole, unlike traditional medicine that tends to treat it in parts.In the body, everything is connected, so a problem in one area could easily cause problems in other areas. By correcting the root of the problem, the patient receives more rounded healthcare.
Where traditional medicine will often opt to prescribe a pain pill for lower back pain, chiropractic care looks for the cause of the back pain and treats the pain symptom from the cause. The chiropractor may advise lifestyle changes, changes in diet, and even recommend supplements. With chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity increasing at an alarming rate, chiropractic care offers a solution that treats the body as a whole in a more natural, safer way.