Chronic pain is known as pain that persists for 12 weeks or even longer, even after pain is no longer acute (short-term, acute pain) or the injury has healed. Of course there are many causes of chronic pain that can influence any level of the spine, cervical (neck), mid back (thoracic), lower spine (lumbar), sacral (sacrum) or some combination of levels.
What treatments do interventional pain management specialists perform?
Oftentimes, early and aggressive therapy of chronic neck or back pain can earn a difference that is life-changing. But remember that knowledge is power: Be certain that you know your choices. There are various treatment procedures and treatments available for chronic pain, each completed by a treatment specialists. Interventional pain management specialist treatments may be a fantastic solution for some people with chronic pain symptoms.
Interventional Pain Management Specialists
Interventional pain management (IPM) is a special field of medicine that uses injections and small processes to help patients control their own chronic pain. Interventional pain management specialists are trained to diagnose and cure ailments, and their goal is to improve patients' quality of life.
IPM's Role in Treating Chronic Back Pain
Pain control plays a big role in chronic pain since many forms of pain can't be cured, so pain victims must find out how to live with and work around the pain. A pain management specialist can help them locate the pain relief that they need to work in the daily. The interventional treatments are part of a multi-disciplinary approach that might include use of medications, psychology, and therapy. Part of IPM is currently finding treatments that works best for your treatment or combination. Some potential interventional pain management therapies are:
Your interventional pain management expert will have you try injections, which send anti inflammatory medications and strong pain-relieving straight. A few examples of injections used for chronic pain are:
Epidural steroid injection: This is one of the most commonly used injections. An epidural steroid injection (ESI) aims the epidural space, that is the space surrounding the membrane which holds the spinal fluid around the spinal cord and nerve roots. Nerves traveling through the epidural area and then branch out to other parts of your body, like your thighs. When a nerve root is compressed (pinched) from the epidural space, you'll have pain that travels down your spine and into your legs (commonly called sciatica, even though the technical medical term is radiculopathy). An epidural steroid injection sends steroids right to the nerve root that's inflamed. You need 2-3 injections; normally, you shouldn't have that because of the potential side effects of the steroids.
Facet joint injection: Also called facet blocks, facet joint injections are helpful in case your facet joints are causing annoyance. Facet joints in your back allow you to move and provide stability. Though, you will have pain, if they get inflamed. The joint wills numb and can lower your pain.
Sacroiliac joint injection: The joint is where your pelvis and spine come and also an aching sacroiliac joint can be extremely debilitating. The injection may reduce inflammation and pain.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
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