By: Dr. Alexander Jimenez, D.C.,C.C.S.T
When thinking about chiropractic care, there is a common misconception that it is only for certain age groups or types of patients. Injury rehabilitation for adults often comes to mind. Yet, chiropractic services have many benefits for the young, old, and anyone in between.
The Pros of Chiro at Each Stage
Realistically, not everyone needs a chiropractic adjustment right now. Like many aspects of personal health, it is dependent on each person’s physical condition. However, it is impossible to know whether chiropractic care is necessary until you have actually been examined by a chiropractor.
The following are some of the many benefits chiropractic services can provide patients throughout their lives.
Many parents wonder if choosing a chiropractor is safe for young children. The short answer is yes. Pediatric chiropractic care is fully endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association, and chiropractors receive pediatric training as part of their doctorate studies.
Now more than ever, the spines of children today are subjected to many types of stresses that can cause misalignments, including: wearing heavy backpacks, increased use of computers and mobile devices and sports injuries.
Chiropractic care can address these issues, and has also been successfully used to treat everything from colic, chronic ear infections and back and neck pain.
Many teenagers are involved in sports. Poor posture habits and hefty backpacks can also negatively impact your teen’s spine. Chiropractors help with lower back pain caused by athletic activities and help minor injuries heal more rapidly.
Since an aligned spine reduces pain and stiffness, it enables a body to become more flexible and stronger. Regular adjustments may help your teen perform better and improve overall health.
The benefits of chiropractic care continue and expand into adulthood. Here we see neck and spinal adjustments frequently used to rehabilitate automotive, work and sports related injuries.
Military and commercial pilots often seek out chiropractic care due to long hours sitting in awkward positions and from being subjected to extreme g-forces in high performance aircraft.
Adult patients have also indicated many other positive results from chiropractic care, including:
- Feeling less stressed
- Better sleep
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduced feelings of depression
- Less chronic pain
- Fewer headaches
- Improved pregnancies
One of the more common myths about chiropractic care is that seniors are considered too old and frail to benefit from it. In reality the opposite is true. Older patients who undergo spinal manipulation have reported many significant quality of life improvements.
Chiropractors using moderate adjustment techniques can ensure a comfortable and pain free treatment experience. For seniors, chiropractic services can improve the range of motion of the spine and extremities, help increase balance and coordination, reduce symptoms of arthritis, slow or eliminate joint degeneration and decrease potentially catastrophic falling incidents.
Frequently it eliminates the need for certain medications. Simply put, chiropractic practices have the potential to help seniors live more independent and healthy lives.
Chiropractic care brings benefits no matter what stage of life you are in – and it is never too late to start. A 2007 National Health Interview Survey found that more than 18 million adults and nearly 2 million children had received chiropractic care within the year. It is an effective health care option performed almost one million times every business day in the United States.
Get your spine checked today!
Since 1991, El Paso Back Clinic, has provided chiropractic care to the El Paso community emphasizing improved health by reducing the risk of pain and illness in the first place.
Dr. Alex Jimenez. started The El Paso Back Clinic. in 1991
Beyond serving her state, she also does consulting work for the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. She specializes in disc injuries, sports injuries and scoliosis and uses a variety of techniques including: Toggle, Diversified, Gonstead, Activator, Thompson Drop and Extremity work.
In her spare time, she enjoys horseback riding, traveling, reading and spending time with family and friends and her black labs.
Sources chiropractic-care- kids/ for-children- and-teens/ Releases/ACA-Statement- on-Pediatric-Chiropractic-Care visit-chiropractors/ why-your- teen-should- see-a- chiropractor/ chiropractic-care- may-help- your-teen/ important-young- adults/ old-for- chiropractic-care- eagle-idaho- chiropractor/ nj/bp– 7-amazing- benefits-of- chiropractic-care- for-seniors person-be- too-young- or-too- old-to- receive-chiropractic- care/ back-pain- facts-statistics