Automobile accidents can result in numerous types of
injuries. Aside from whiplash, one of the most common types of injuries caused
after a rear-end collision, shoulder injuries can also occur during an auto
accident and these particular injuries can have some serious complications if
left untreated.
Auto Accidents and Injuries
Car accidents can occur in high levels of traffic and anyone
involved may suffer an injury. Various forms and degrees of injury can result
from these types of incidents, however, one of the most difficult to detect
includes shoulder injuries. Automobile accidents can damage an individual’s
body to the point where it may not be immediately noticeable. Collisions are
fast-paced actions that leave the involved individuals in shock and denial
until they receive the medical attention they need and require at the time of
the incident. Often times, the people who’ve experienced an auto accident may
not feel any symptoms until the adrenaline begins to wear off and the pain and
discomfort develops into lingering pain suggesting the presence of an
underlying injury.
Whether the victim of an automobile accident find their
bodies sore and aching for days after or whether they simply do not feel any
pain and symptoms until several days, even weeks after, delaying a visit to a
healthcare professional to receive a diagnosis of any possible injuries to
follow through with treatment can be detrimental to both the overall health of
the body and to a legal case. After all, lingering pain is usually a symptom of
an injury which may require immediate medical treatment.
Common Injuries
Although it may be challenging for medical professionals to
diagnose specific injuries after an individual has been involved in an
automobile accident, a variety of those injuries will manifest eventually,
signaling the presence of a complication. The violent movement from the force
of a sudden stop in a vehicle may frequently cause shoulder injuries, such as
broken bones, when these are slammed into parts of the interior of an
automobile. These same powerful actions may also cause the shoulder to protrude
out of the joint or the rotator cuff may be torn or damaged. Muscle and
cartilage tears are often the more serious types of injuries. Other internal
complications can cause bleeding which may need immediate medical care. Another
type of injury may surface with sudden jerks of the body, leading to a common
injury known as whiplash.
It is often recommended to seek a healthcare provider whom
specializes in auto accident injuries. A doctor who specializes in shoulder
injuries, such as a chiropractor, is capable of determining the exact cause of
an individual’s shoulder injuries. A full detailed explanation emphasizing on
everything that occurred during the accident along with the full symptoms the
victim of the auto accident is experiencing can assist the specialist to
understand the issue affecting the individual. In a majority of cases, the
medical specialist may determine an MRI is needed. Additional treatment may
also be required to heal the injury. Chiropractic care can help treat a variety
of musculoskeletal issues, most specifically helping realign any spinal subluxations
and/or muscle injuries. A massage therapist can also help treat the symptoms of
pain alongside chiropractic treatment. For treatment of ongoing issues, a
physical therapist may be crucial as well to restore overall function. The
initial healthcare specialist should be informed of any and all progress to
determine if further action is needed.
Shoulder Pain & Auto Injury
Insurance Claims and Accident Cases
Because the process of dealing with an automobile accident
and its consequences can often take a long time to solve, it’s not unheard of
for insurance companies to deny a claim, often citing previous injuries. Time
may be needed to determine the cause of the complication to relay this information
to an insurance company and specific documentation may be needed to help
establish the cause of the injury and its relation to the accident. Therefore,
it’s important to seek medical attention after being involved in an auto
accident as this documentation can help reveal how a specific type of injury
connects to a particular incident. It’s essential to make sure all
documentation has dates attached and all medical professionals have signed off
on details to support insurance compensation for medical payments.
Furthermore, litigation may be the necessary route when
accidents that lead to severe injuries occur. Claims to compensate medical
treatments and bills generally run through the party at fault’s insurance. It
is important to seek legal advice when pursuing an injury claim although this
may not often be necessary as the healthcare professionals treating the injured
individual can often also help with insurance compensation.
In conclusion, healthcare professionals may be necessary as
consultants to explain procedures, medication, treatment and to also clarify
why other specialists are essential in healing previous injuries resulting from
automobile accidents. Detailed information of the automobile accident and all
other proceedings may be shared with a legal representative to strengthen a
case. In the end, the individual’s overall health and well-being should be the
By Dr. Alex Jimenez