Neck pain may occur as a result of various activities that add extra strain on your neck. An abundance of individuals frequently report feeling pain at the base of their skull and down into their shoulders, or they also often describe feeling a knot in their neck and stiffness. Many others also experience headaches along with their other symptoms. Severe cases of neck pain can impair a person’s ability to move their head and can even become serious enough to greatly restrict the individual’s ability to function to their fullest capacity, especially during the job.
How Neck Pain Frequently Occurs
If your neck pain worsens by the end of a long work day, it
may be due to all the excess stress being placed on your neck while working. Consistently
prolonged activities can affect bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints and
other tissues in the region of the cervical spine. Activities that cause these
complications, for example, include an improper posture while sitting at a
desk, incorrect lifting techniques, and repetitive movements of the arms and
upper body. Holding your head forward to read a computer screen, a posture best
referred to as forward head posture, is one of the most common types of
improper postures. Research shows that simply using a computer for an extended
period of time can cause or even aggravate neck pain. Also, when doing heavy
lifting at work, the neck is as much at risk for damage or injury due to
incorrect lifting techniques as the back. Furthermore, overusing the arms and
upper body repeatedly can irritate their surrounding tissues, leading to degeneration
or wear and tear damage.
Regardless of your job, ergonomics can help protect your
neck from damage or injury. Ergonomics is the science of fitting a work
environment to the job in a manner that is best fitting to the individual’s
overall well being. For instance, if you work by a desk at a computer station,
ergonomics takes into consideration how your desk, chair, and computer monitor
should be positioned to reduce the stress on your neck and body. If you work in
an industrial setting, ergonomics may involve teaching you about the most
appropriate lifting techniques as well as using heavy equipment.
Preventing Neck Pain
The fundamental element towards protecting your neck from
damage or injury is to maintain the head as well as the neck in a neutral
position which preserves the natural curvature of the cervical spine. The
cervical spine is the upper section of the spine that functions to support the
Improve Ergonomics at Work
By achieving better ergonomics at the workplace, many
individuals may benefit from decreased and/or even prevent neck pain. Foremost,
start by adapting your workstation. Adjust your chair in order for the computer
screen to be at eye level and directly in front of you. While doing so, the
elbows should be resting on an adjustable armrest where the arms can
comfortably reach the keyboard. Your feet should also be flat on the floor with
the back of your chair kept in an upright position. By following all of these
steps, the individual should be able to read the computer screen without pushing
their neck forward.
Correct Lifting Techniques
If you must lift heavy object at the workplace, protect the
cervical spine by standing closer to the object that needs lifting while
remembering to bend at the hips and knees. Allow the stronger muscles of your
hips and legs to do the work. Also, make sure to hold objects close to your
body without twisting from side to side. In the case that an object is too
heavy to carry, ask for help.
Proper Posture
Additionally, it’s crucial to always maintain proper posture
and good body mechanics while working on the job. While the individual is in a
meeting, make sure to sit up front and center in order to avoid having to twist
or lean forward to hear or see. Also, when talking on the phone, the individual
should avoid cradling the phone between their ear and neck, rather, the
individual should utilize an ergonomically designed neck cradle, headset, or
the speaker phone as much as possible to avoid straining their neck.
Stretching and Exercise
And finally, its essential to avoid remaining in a single
position for prolonged periods of time. Instead, take breaks to stretch, get up
frequently so that the muscles in the neck and shoulders are properly
stretched. Relax your arms and roll your shoulders in a circular motion as well
as gently roll your head from side to side. This will make your muscles in the
neck and back stretch and feel more relaxed.
For additional information, the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) can help provide guidelines for ergonomics in the
workplace and enforcement if ergonomic standards are not being met. Having the
knowledge of what causes neck complications can go a long way towards
preventing further damage or injury. It’s important to adjust your workplace as
best as possible to minimize strain on your neck. Remember that you have the
right to a work environment that is safe and promotes your well being.
By Dr. Alex Jimenez